Environmental Protection

In Uzbekistan, the state supervision has been maintained to ensure subsoil protection. The state supervision over subsoil protection is governed by the Regulation on State Supervision over the Use and Protection of Subsoil and over Geological Research of Subsoil and Rational Use of Mineral Resources as approved by Decree No. 19 issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 13 January 1997 (the Regulation).


The state supervision contemplates conducting control and inspection by the competent state authorities of Uzbekistan of observance by all subsoil users of mandatory rules and norms of environmental law. These rules and norms govern, mainly, three basic areas of subsoil use. In accordance with the Regulation, these areas are the following:

In Uzbekistan, mandatory environmental evaluation is required for the companies carrying out certain types of activity. Types of activity are divided into four categories depending on their potential impact on the environment. Oil and gas production is regarded the activity of the first category having high environmental risk. Drilling of oil and gas wells falls under the second category having medium environmental risk. Environmental evaluation is mandatory for projects involving the activities of the first and second categories.


Obtaining a positive environmental evaluation shall be a pre-requisite condition to the launch of any project for oil and gas production or oil and gas drilling.

Environmental Protection practice provides a general overview of Environmental Law of Uzbekistan, overview of CDM initiatives and applicable regulations, waste regulations, templates of documents and agreements, forms of advises on related matters.

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